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发表时间:2023-02-25 21:55:37  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      被老板highlight是什么意思      被老板highlight的意思是:被老板突出、强调、盯上,把你放到显著、加亮、瞩目的位置,成为公司最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;最瞩目的加亮区.




      这还得靠自己吧,靠别人是不行的... 只有让自己放松了。那才能真正的缓解




      (prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)


      【学习步骤: (1) 英文单词在紧接片语什么意思? (2) 从中文句子塑造语境, 用英文表达并背熟英文句子; (3) 反复温习】

      composed (composed in his demeanor) (adj.) 镇定(举止是镇定)
      He’s so composed in his demeanor that nothing seems to rattle him.

      ground (flights were grounded) (v.) 停飞(航班被停飞)
      那主要的航空公司宣布它所有的航班由于机械故障被取消, 几万个旅客被困于机场彷徨不知所措
      The major airline announced all its flights were grounded due to mechanical problems, and tens of thousands of travelers were stranded at the airports at a loss what to do.

      grounded (daughter was grounded for a week) (adj.) 被惩罚不准外出(女儿被惩罚不准外出一周)
      The teenage daughter was grounded for a week in coming home after her midnight curfew last weekend.

      seal (sealing WTO agreement was defining moment of this statesman) (v.) 完成(完成世贸的合约是这政府高级官员的代表性时刻)
      Sealing the WTO agreement was the defining moment of this statesman’s illustrious diplomatic career.

      black market (ticket prices in the black market) (n. ph.) 黑市(入场票价格在黑市)
      Admission ticket prices to Adele’s concert in the black market have rocketed sky-high.

      consent (sex with consent) (n.) 同意(同意之性行为)
      在这国家, 成年人跟未成年小童之性行为, 就算是同意, 被视为法律上的罪
      In this country, sex between an adult and a minor is considered statutory rape, even with consent.

      fight off (fight off a little old lady) (phr. v.) 驱走(驱走一个细小老妇人)
      我不能够驱走一个用拐杖的细小老妇人, 甭说一个持着致死武器的魁梧袭击者
      I can’t fight off a little old lady on crutches, let alone a burly assailant with deadly weapon.

      effortlessly (apes swing through trees effortlessly) (adv.) 不费力地(人猿在树之间不费力地荡来荡去)
      Apes have long arms that help them swing through trees quickly and effortlessly.

      eventually (eventually, the two sides settled the court case) (adv.) 最后(最后双方解决了法院案件)
      最后, 双方以没有揭露的金额解决了法院案件
      Eventually, the two sides settled the court case for an undisclosed amount.

      miserably (his get-rich schemes will fail miserably) (adv.) 不愉快地(他的致富计划将不愉快地失败)
      She said, “All his lamebrained get-rich schemes will fail miserably.”

      (看: ADAM单词表引言: 学习方法和符号解释


